SEEDS Cover Page

Radiant Pavillion in Melbourne

Radiant Pavilion 2024
Naarm / Melbourne Contemporary Jewellery and Object Biennial
14 — 22 September 2024

SEEDS: A Cross-Pollination in Metal

Two German goldsmith migrants reunite after 25 years, intertwining their acclaimed techniques and approaches through mutual inspiration: seeds symbolising hope, diversity, and new beginnings in their adopted homeland.Their work explores the parallels between immigration and the journey of seeds. Just as migrants bring new life and diversity to a country, seeds represent the potential for growth, resilience, and adaptation. Seeds are time capsules of life, having the capacity to harbour potential until the right conditions arise and resonate with the feelings and emotions we experienced starting a new life in Australia. This project delves into the symbolic meanings associated with seeds and migration, examining their ability to transform, as well as representing an expression of hope for the future. It utilises their abilities of patience, perseverance, and intuition to thrive in new environments.

Seeds are time capsules of life, harbouring  potential in their dormant from. 

They can traverse oceans, rivers and air lying in wait for the right time to germinate.[1]Just as seeds can remain hidden for years, ideas can rest in the subconscious, ready to flourish under the right conditions.

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As an avid bushwalker, I observe the environment, trees, shrubs and their seedpods, fallen plant matter, finding treasures in natures design.

I am captivated by the intricate patterns and structures in seedpods, which inspire me to explore and reinterpret their forms. By combining various seeds and their pods, I create new structures and functional objects that reflect the significance of seeds and their capacity to transform and thrive.

Hybrids emerge from cross pollination of seeds, comparable to hybridization[2] of cultures. 

My work consists of small sculptures - spoons and containers - crafted from brass and silver, celebrating both the inherent beauty and the transformative power of seeds.

Through this collection, I aim to emphasise the ability of transformation and the potential that lies within even the smallest seed, weather in plants and humans. My work highlights the enduring and transformative power of nature, plants and humans and their possibilities that arise from migration.


[2] N. García-Canclini, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001 Hybridity in the social sciences refers to the process in which separate social practices or structures combine to create new structures, objects, and practices by mixing their preceding elements. 

The symbology of gifting spoons traces back to ancient traditions where spoons were not merely functional items but carriers of deeper meanings. Historically, spoons have symbolized nourishment, care, and the act of sharing sustenance. In various cultures, giving a spoon could convey a wish for the recipient's well-being and prosperity, as the spoon represents the means to partake in life’s essentials.


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In the 17th and 18th centuries, especially in England, the tradition of gifting silver spoons became popular. These spoons often bore intricate designs and were given to mark significant life events, such as births, christenings, or weddings. The spoon's material—silver—added a layer of significance, as it symbolized purity, wealth, and enduring value. individual meaning.

In contemporary times, spoons continue to be a symbol of warmth and care. They are often given as keepsakes or tokens of affection, representing a wish for the recipient to always find nourishment and comfort in their life. Thus, the spoon remains a powerful symbol of connection, generosity, and enduring love.





Radiant Pavillion in Melbourne


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