This plant specimen was found bushwalking in SA. Eucalyptus sessilis, commonly known as Finke River mallee, is a species that is native to the Northern Territory and central areas along the border of Western Australia. It has smooth bark, sometimes with ribbon of old bark near the base, lance-shaped to egg-shaped or elliptical adult leaves, flower buds in groups of seven, creamy yellow flowers and hemispherical fruit. I gave the seedpod a different stem and attached the scoop which is shaped using forging shaping, planishing techniques to let a balanced shape emerges.
Seeds are time capsules of life, harbouring potential in their dormant from.
They can traverse oceans, rivers and air lying in wait for the right time to germinate.[1]
Just as seeds can remain hidden for years, ideas can rest in the subconscious, ready to flourish under the right conditions.